17th Day of Lent - Saint Martha of Bethany 👭 Patron Saint of Sorority Sisters - Invoked for Lifelong Friendships - Patron of Sisters

17th Day of Lent - Saint Martha of Bethany  👭   Patron Saint of Sorority Sisters - Invoked for Lifelong Friendships - Patron of Sisters

Celebrate Saint Martha of Bethany
Today, March 18th, 2022!

     Saint Martha is one of our favorite Saints. She is also one of our best sellers. Her stories are many so we will share the story we like best.

     Martha and her sister, Mary, and brother, Lazarus, lived in Bethany. Lazarus was friends with Jesus so he would often invite Jesus over for a bite to eat. This was wonderful for Jesus because Martha was a great cook, and always actively coming up with the new recipes and ideas for “breaking bread” at the table.

     Yet Mary was not very interested in cooking at all and she did not have that active spirit like her sister, Martha. Mary was a contemplative type of person. Mary was prayerful and this naturally led her to be drawn to her brother Lazarus’ friend, Jesus.

     One day Martha was planing some glorious meal and it was taking a lot of effort on her part. She saw that Mary was with Jesus in some happy, joyful, zone in the living room. All of a sudden, Martha became annoyed that she was doing all the heavy lifting while Mary enjoyed spending time with Jesus. 

     Finally, Martha lost her cool and sparks went flying. Martha was not too pleased with Mary and she let her know. Except Jesus was there and he witnessed the outburst. Finally, he stepped in and decided Martha needed to learn a lesson or two.

     Jesus sat Martha down and presented the simple facts that Martha was an active go-getter. Mary was just the opposite. Spending time in contemplative prayer was Mary’s favorite thing to do and Jesus pointed out to Martha that the different characteristics of people should be celebrated, not judged. There was nothing wrong with Martha being active and having her sense of participatory style. Conversely, Mary’s persona as a  thoughtful contemplative woman was equally as admirable.

     The message offered here is to celebrate, not denigrate, each others’ differences. No one is wrong for being the way they are. We’re all here and we all have value. Once Martha accepted this reality she was able to reap benefits from her sister Mary. Both sisters could teach the other a thing or two. And with the acceptance of the differences, their bond became stronger and brought deeper love, care, and compassion into their hearts. Martha was proud of Mary and Mary was proud of Martha. Their relationship kept growing and became more meaningful day after day.

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