Mother's Day Medals to Celebrate the Joy of Life & Motherhood

Mother's Day Medals to Celebrate the Joy of Life & Motherhood

We will soon be hand-painting lots of Mother's Day Medals to celebrate the Joy of Life and Motherhood and look forward to sharing our colorful new designs with you.

The "HOT" new color seems to be blue and blue has always been one of our absolute favorites too!

Saint Gerard of Majella is featured in the photo above, and he is certainly one of the greatest Mothers' Day Saints.

We especially love the stories of Saint Gerard, some told on Terry Jones' www.CatholicSaints.Info ~ We learned from Terry, and others, that Saint Gerard was "bi-locational" and voila, we were hooked on Saint Gerard Majella.

Imagine a Mom with the Super Hero Power of Being Here, There, and Everywhere, All at Once. It sure does seem like many Moms instinctively acquire this skill .... or maybe Saint Gerard is elixir that makes it all seem so....

Thanks for reading to our bottom lines, where, like Don Henley, we get to the Heart of the Matter(s). Some of you already know that we are sending cards from France to everyone who has placed an order within the last past few days and also to those of you who place an order within the next few future days.

There's also another way for you to get us to send you something from France. Send us a SASE and then we'll send it right back to you with our gift....

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