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Many years ago, we embellished Saint Richard's story a bit to say he could be viewed as the patron of NASCAR. We knew "Little Richard" was often working during Harvest Time and "Racing" to get the family carts to market. He would hurry to sell the food that had been harvested for people in towns near his hometown, Chichester, England.

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Our story about Saint Janarius strays from his tale of martyrdom and embellishes his “patron saint of blood banks” credit. We present the notion that maybe Saint Janarius is the ideal saint to protect from blood disorders, like Multiple Myeloma, a blood born and incurable disease.

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Remember to ask Arch Angel Gabriel to intercede when you are awaiting and hoping for good news. He will surely get happy messages coming your way!

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We were honored to hear from Kimberly A. Hogan, PhD, who is doing important work at the Center for Human Trafficking Research and Training (CHRT).

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Saint Adrian of Nicomedia is the patron of the artillery. So, it makes sense to suggest he is also the patron of gun safety. His Feast Day is tomorrow, March 4, 2024, so Saint Adrain is our sale item for today and tomorrow. Pray, hope, and channel your good thoughts with a wish that all the wars will end and that guns and artillery can be used in safer ways in our country and throughout the world!

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So, Happy Birthday Mommy! You always told me I was "gonna be somebody." And guess what? I am somebody, just like everyone else! Happy Birthday in Heaven, Mom. I'm celebrating you on earth today. "I love you with all my heart!" xo Robert

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Saint Philomena is invoked for safe pregnancies and safe childbirth. I'm pretty sure Emily took this photo of Saint Philomena. She helped us tremendously while working for us and we are so excited for her and ask all of you to send your best thoughts, wishes, and prayers for a successful pregnancy and birth as Emily welcomes her first baby into our world.

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Yesterday we were able to introduce our new brand specialist. We would love for y’all to know a little more about her, at SaintsforSinners we hand pick not only the medals but also those working close with us. Transference of energy is something we take to heart as all those that cross your path makes an impact. 

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Our big news is that we have hired Sheffy James,  a Brand Specialist, to help us get the word out about our hand-painted saint medals and our offbeat stories of the saints. Sheffy has been working with us for a few months and we are delighted she will be taking on a new role as a SaintsforSinners liaison. 

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The Synod, in conjunction with Vatican II, offered new "Talking Points" about the state of Catholicism here, and abroad. Traditionally, lay people, including Women, were not part of of the Synod process. In October, women and Deacons were included, along with Priests and others who are less formally affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.


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While in France, we were finally able to visit the Saint Gens Church and learn more about the Legend of Saint Gens. We tried to go many times, but the hours of operation are very limited and not quite accurate. Eventually, we had the opportunity to see Saint Gens. He did not disappoint! We added some pictures of Saint Gens, who still lies in his glass coffin, incorrupt! Plus, A Reminder about Gretna Art Market, on Saturday, September 9th, 2023.

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Yes, we are using a bit of poetic license and contemporizing Saint John Fisher’s Patronages. That’s ok, we’re not Pope Francis I. Our story will concentrate on John Fisher’s abilities as a Public Speaker Patron, Debater and, if modernized, the Patron of “Influencers.” We will send a quick note when he is up on our website but in the meantime please talk him up on Tik Tok where he could and should be Influential. 

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I have also located some new saints and their medals that I’ve never seen before! Some have been around for a hundred years or more. Their medals are beautifully aged. Where have they been? Who have they helped? It's all an "Unsolved Wonderful Mystery." Once we pass them around they're not vintage any longer, we breathe now life into their story!

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The current status of the laws regarding animals is that they are “chattel,” with little or no legal rights. Yet, the tide seems to be turning and many are noting that animals are more than chattel. That bumper sticker you sometimes see on vehicles that says “Abuse An Animal, Go to Jail,” may be having a bit of societal impact!

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Saint Josemaria Escriva is curiously one of the most popular “search terms” that lead folks to us and his story is great. One day, Saint Josemaria literally saw “footprints in the sand,” and he then decided to pursue a religious vocation. We can all find messages during ordinary circumstances if we take a moment to look and reflect. 

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