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296 products

Adrian, Saint Medal, Patron Saint Gun Safety, the Armed Forces, and Skeet Shooters!
Agatha Breast Cancer Saint Medal, Patron Saint Cancer Patients, Especially Breast Cancer
Agnes, Saint Medal, Fiance Engaged Patron of Love, Engaged People, Girl Scouts and their Cookies!
Agnus Dei Medal Patron Saint "Lamb of God who Takes Away the Sins of the World"
Albert Saint Albertus Magnus, Medal, Patron of Science Learning, "Albert the Great"
Alice, Adelaide Saint Medal, Invoked Learning Languages, Latin
Aloysius Gonzaga, Saint Medal, Gonzaga University Patron, Jesuits, Learning, Students
Alphonsus Liguori, Arthritis Saint Patron Healing Arthritic Aches & Pains, Poet, Musician, Composer
Anastasia, Saint Weavers Stylists Macrame Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron of "Fashionistas"
Andre Bessette, Blessed Holy Cross Schools, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron of Teachers
Andrew Avellino, Avelino Stroke Victims Saint Medal, Patron, Protector Against Seizures, Emergencies
Andrew the First Apostle, Patron of Ukraine, Kiev, and Saint Andrews Golf Course, Invoked for " Birdies" and "Eagles"
Andrew, Scotland Golf Course Saint Medal, Apostle, Patron Scotland, the Scots, and Saint Andrew's Golf Course
Angela Merici, Ursuline Saint Medal, Patron Saint, Saint Angela, Saint Ursula
Ann, Anne, Anna Mothers Saint Medal, Patron of Grandmothers, Great Grandparents
Anna, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Anne de Beaupre, Saint Medal, Patron of Quebec, Canada, and France
Anthony of Padua, Finds Lost Things Saint Medal, Patron
Apollonia, Apolonia Dentists Saint Medal, Patron Orthodontists, Invoked against Toothaches
Ascension, Jesus Medal, the Resurrection, Rising Up
Assumption, Mary Saint Medal August 15h, Assumption of Mary
Augustine Saint Medal, Red, Patron Saint Augustine Church, Saint Augustine Schools
Barbara, Lightning, Fire, Explosions Saint Medal for Safe Fireworks Displays
Barnabas, Saint Medal, Patron, the "Peacemaker," Conflict Resolution, Storm Protection