Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick

Patron Saint of the Irish and St. Patrick's Day!
Feast Day: March 17

Patrick’s story took place long ago. Patrick was imprisoned for many years but eventually escaped. During a dream, Patrick saw himself traveling to Ireland to convert its people to Christianity. Patrick, acting on this vision, craftily found a way to get to Ireland by stowing away on a boat. Upon his arrival in Ireland, Patrick spent many years shaping the Faith of the Irish. Patrick’s pure simplicity led the people of Ireland to believe in his mission. He described the Trinity metaphorically by comparing it to the three leaf shamrock. For this, Patrick was criticized but all of us at SfS can see the obvious similarities he spoke and wrote about! Patrick was very sincere and espoused kind, nurturing values.

Many consider Patrick to be the true leader of Irish-Catholics. Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City is probably the most famous Cathedral in America. Patrick’s Feast Day, March 17th, is oft-referred to as the day when everyone can share in the “Luck o’ the Irish.” Many wear Irish green and enjoy Irish frivolity on that day, now simply known as Saint Patrick’s Day. In art, Patrick is shown with snakes, as he is in the SfS medal, but the story that Patrick rid Ireland of snakes is a bit o’ blarney. The tale has little historical accountability. The story of Patrick having the imagination and fortitude to fervently espouse simple Faith, by using modern-day comparisons for his times, is definitely true. Patrick’s simple methods of communication can help all of us find “needles in haystacks” and “diamonds in the rough” (or Four Leaf Clovers!) if we follow his honest example and measured imagination in expression. @2007

5866 General Diaz Street
New Orleans, LA 70124
504.482.2467 & 504.239.3143
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Each SfS medal is imported from Italy,
painted by hand in New Orleans, Louisiana, and is
one of a kind original
“The Saints are the Sinners who keep on trying”
-Robert Louis Stevenson

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