Our Testimonials, OR, some of them ....
Here are some of the Saints for Sinners Testimonials we've received over the years. The most recent came in the other day (Today, May 16, 2024) and we will be adding the newer notes soon. Thanks to everyone for taking a moment to share your thoughts. We appreciate your comments. Your kind words and suggestions give us energy and fuel to try harder and keep moving forward. Thank you!
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October 20, 2023
... you can trust that I will continue to be a customer from here on out. -Amanda S.

October 18, 2023
... one person can make a difference in the world. -Brenda

August 15, 2023
... you continue to inspire such love for the faith. -Margie S.

August 14, 2023
Thank you so much for your generosity. -Peggy V.

May 18, 2023
This weeks saints are spot on! -Sarah F.

April 10, 2023
...this cross was meant for me. - Tasha G.

Holy Thursday, April 6, 2023
Peace of Christ and Easter Blessings. -Toni A.

March 31, 2023
Thank you, thank you, thank you! -Janice Hans

March 14, 2023
God bless you and your team. -Vanessa

February 16, 2023
Blessings. - Angie M.

November 2022

June 2022
From my deep hearts core. May this season of light fill you up. -Sarah

August 2021
Saints for Sinners if my go to for medals. Peace. - Elizabeth K.

I literally had medals in my cart from the Vatican’s website that were blessed by Pope Francis, yet, I waited. Actually that’s probably the most incredible compliment I’ve ever given to anyone, and it’s absolutely true.
Having a healthy dose of hubris, I even tried my own DIY paint job on St. Francis which ended up as an insult to the medal. I had to track down special paint for this, mind you. The guy at Michael’s acted like I was a lunatic.
In sum, your talent is extraordinary, and I have a host of people who have admired my choice of neckwear for the last 5ish years. Your art is special to so many people in so many ways.
Not to mention, the medals actually work. They really answer prayers. I’m not sure how you source them.
Finally, you have a huge selection - much larger than the Vatican - and they’re very high quality. I have been thinking about these for years and getting a personal email back? Wow!
Back to regular life…
A Catherine would be great. And since you emailed, let me add to my wishlist! Are you willing to revamp my tortured old medals? I’d be willing to pay for your time and talent of course.
Kristen M.
July 2021

June 2021
I love the vibrant, brightly painted saint medals. If possible, if you have any for difficult situations, diabetes, marriage problems, &/or travel..... that would be great! But I’m open to whatever you send! Thank you!
I love what you all have done w/saints medals. Very creative & unique.
Vicki J.
Ponder, TX

May 2021
Hello, if I read your email correctly, I would appreciate the almost completely FREE Our Lady of the Highway medal on a clasp.
Thank you,
Kris H.
Metairie, LA
Peace & Blessings!
Thanks for your beautiful little company and all you do.

April 7, 2021
I just wanted to let you guys know that I received my order today and absolutely love them! Especially the lagniappe Divine Mercy keychain. Both of the medals I ordered are gifts and I was regretting not getting one for myself. It brightened my bad day!!
Thank you! I’ll definitely be recommending you guys to friends and family!
Simone D.
Branch, LA

March 11, 2021
When I got an email indicating my package was out for delivery, I ignored it because I couldn't imagine I would receive my order that quickly. I was very pleasantly surprised to find a package waiting on me when I went home for lunch. I wanted to email you to thank you for the quick delivery and, even more importantly, to thank you for the wonderful quality of the items I ordered. They are beautiful. My St. Thomas More medal with the clasp is already attached to my key chain and the Miraculous Medal is so beautiful that I haven't 100% decided whether to keep it myself or pass it along. And the lagniappe was a nice surprise.
Thanks again, I will definitely order from you again at some point.
Michael L.
Chester, SC
December 4, 2020
Dear Rob,
I wanted to thank you for making these wonderful medals--Our Lady of Perpetual Help has been patient and helpful with me! Others have been lovely gifts for family, friends and my partner. Archangel Uriel seems to be working hard for the poets in my life--I guess he's the Avis of Angels! The little ones are for certain small friends for whom they are sized just right! They are all so beautiful and knowing all the love that goes into makes them shine.
Thank you and have a Merry Merry Christmas!
With love,
Briony G.
Altadena, CA
“The following is just a thank you note. I lived in New Orleans for a couple of years (2008-2010) and bought my first of your medals (St. Agatha) from a boutique in Metairie. It is still the medal with which I have the strongest connection. I want to say thank you for keeping the saints present, vibrant, and approachable and that I so appreciate your medals and your newsletter. Although terribly saddened (and somewhat discouraged) by the newsletter that noted some people's disappointment (gentle term) in Pope Francis' comments regarding members of the LGBTQ+ community, I want to extend another thank you for your gracious response to their reactions. As an academic who studies saints (virgin martyrs) and as an often-distressed Catholic, I appreciate your art, your efforts, and your hopeful and positive tone. Thank you ever so much and all the best, Eileen H.”
September 11, 2020
Hi, Rob--
I have purchased and been gifted a total of around eight of your beautiful hand-painted medals over the years. I even wound up with two St. Michael (my patron saint) medals, but I was fine with that because they were both quite unique. Now, I am sad to report that my mom passed away in June, but I thought you might like to know that I placed one of the St. Michael medals in a pouch and sent it along with her on her journey to Heaven. I like to think that she will always have it and that it will be a nice reminder of me and the loving bond that we shared. Though my heart is still very heavy, I am glad to be able to share this story with you. I hope that it makes you feel good about the important work that you do.
Michael O.
Williston Park, NY
September 11, 2020
Just opened my order and got to read your letter. Thanks so much! The medals are beautiful and the lagniappe much appreciated. I am writing because the medals I’ve bought are always for friends...
My first purchase was for a dear friend and his daughter. She was diagnosed with a degenerative spinal disease. They both loved the medals. She put her’s on right away but her brother claimed the other one - Dad never did get to wear it. They are all doing well in Hawaii now.
My current purchase was for another friend who’s son just died of an overdose. I couldn’t leave her boyfriend out. So he also got one! The lagniappe has been claimed by my wife - a teacher who just went back but is still a bit “Covid shy.”
The medals are always appreciated and I think they always help!
Thanks for your efforts and kindness...
-Gary V.
August 2020
Dear Rob,
I can't believe how fast my package came. I love my guardian angel!
As I was telling my husband about your medals and how I feel like the spirit absolutely speaks through you and telling him some of the testimonials, I opened the little pouch and out fell St. Ann. You'll never know how much love I felt. My grandma passed away at the beginning of May and because of COVID we weren't able to attend her funeral mass. No one was. The thought of not being able to attend one last mass with her is SO heavy on my heart and the patron of Grandmother's was like one last hug from her. Thank you.
Urbana, IL

August 2020
Dear Rob,
I have been purchasing your medals, I would have to believe, almost from the beginning. I can’t tell you how many St. Michael the Archangel medals I have bought, have been blessed and then subsequently lost. I have purchased a host of other medals, including St. Germaine, because we have a daughter with disabilities (and maybe to a lesser extent because my wife loves the liqueur); St. Anthony, because in his last year of life, my father returned to the church and was drawn to him; and Saints Luke and Raphael the Archangel to guide my son as he begins his career in ICU medicine in New Orleans, to name a few.
That brings me to the point of my message. This week, I received an order of two medals, and you provided some Lagniappe, a St. Agatha medal, with the note to give it to a friend or family member. While my wife, my daughter and I were out on an evening walk yesterday, I told her about your note and that you sent the St. Agatha medal as a little something extra. My wife was floored, because Agatha is her confirmation name, a fact that I seemed to have forgotten after 38 years of marriage. It gave her chills and, needless to say, I gave her the medal. Some may call this serendipity, but I would like to think it was more than a coincidence.
Thank you for the beautiful medals that you produce – just maybe your efforts are helping spread the faith.
Jay C.
Voorhees Township, NJ

July 24, 2020
Dear Rob,
Thank you for the thoughtful "JP2" cross and rosary, etc. The cross is lovely and we will treasure the rosary. Very thoughtful!
Enclosed, please find a gift card to enjoy some coffee or food on us.
Best Regards,
July 2020
Dear Rob and everyone at Saints for Sinners,
I received such a wonderful surprise today when I retrieved my mail! You folks are wonderful!! You made my day when I opened the Saints for Sinners package. I am so thrilled with the repurposed cross, the petite ruby red rosary, the sterling 4 way cross, the gorgeous painted Sacred Heart medal with the Infant of Prague on reverse, and the medal of St. Lucy who’s feast day is December 13th- my birthday!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
From prior orders I have the extra Saints medals you so graciously sent which I will give to our 2 ‘summer’ seminarians. Our parish is graced to have these faith filled young men who will one day bring the sacraments to the laity in our diocese.
I have only been to New Orleans once - and loved it (esp the muffuletta sandwich) but hope to visit again. My first stop will be Saints for Sinners!
Always in my prayers,
Janice +
P.S. The sterling silver bracelets are exquisite.
June 2020
We received the nicest note from Sherri in Tennessee. She has been a customer for many years. We loved this story she shared with us. It's not exactly a "testimonial' in the truest send but it is a sweet story!
Hi Rob!
Thanks for your newsletter. I always enjoy reading what you’ve been up to, and, of course, the interesting stories about the saints and your medals.
The bracelet you created is a work of art! I love the bright colors and how carefully you chose the medals!
I laughed when you mentioned that Emily told you the bracelet was “loud.” As a young child in the 1960’s, I remember my mom wearing a silver charm bracelet to work each day. I loved the way it jingled when she moved her arm—The sound was melodic to my young ears. I would often sit in her lap, pick out a charm and ask her to tell me the story behind it. She always remembered who gave her each charm and the occasion. My favorites were a gray cat and the silhouette of a girl’s face with my name engraved on the back. I’ve had my mom’s charm bracelet since she passed away in 2003, and it will always be one of my most treasured possessions.
Thanks for unintentionally giving me a very pleasant walk down memory lane!
Hugs and prayers from Nashville,
Sherri M.
Nashville, TN
June 2020
Wow! The cross and medal just arrived. Gorgeous!!! We are Polish and we worship Pope John Paul who is under the lovely rose! I may order another but I know they all are different
Can I tell you how perfect the St Alice medal is for our daughter who is a Polyglot? She is fluent in many languages and studies studies studies!
Bless you for All that you do!!!
Cindy Y.
Falls Church, VA

November 2019
We received the sweetest SaintsforSinners testimonial from Shirley Lewis today: "Today I was at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. and saw your SaintsforSinners medals in the goft shop! It makes me proud and happy! Well done!!" Thank you, Shirley. You made our day. you made our week. Thanks so much!

Here is a beautiful (reprinted, verbatim) testimonial we received on Easter Sunday from a lady, Janice, in Pennsylvania. We sent her hand-painted medal packages. She loved our hand-painted cross adorned with the “Misfit Medals” and wrote to let us know. Thanks, Janice.
New Orleans loves you too, and so do we – thanks so much!
- rob & the SaintsforSinners Gang.
April 12, 2020
Hi Rob and All -
Happy Easter! My order arrived and I am so pleased. This is my first order but won’t be my last. Saint Philomena is a gift for a friend with a devotion to her. I bet she has never seen a medal like yours. I love my cross with all the medals and Divine Providence was at work as St. Therese is my confirmation Saint & St. Catherine is my daughter's name, I have a brother Christopher and St. Jude an all time fav! There are several others that have deep meaning in my life. I must also thank you for the small silver cross and the St. Martha medal. I have the Martha personality type! How nice of you to send those free gifts.
You and your staff are in my prayers. Keep doing your
wonderful work!
Many blessings,
Janice from PA
(P.S. I love New Orleans! Stay Safe)
June 2020
Dear Rob!!!
Thanks so much for the beautiful and meaningful crosses you recently made for me! I ordered a repurposed Cross and a Flood Cross for my friend “Jo” the social worker for her birthday! OMG! I have never seen anyone in such awe. She was speechless! She immediately knew it was a “cross” but when I explained the significance of it and she read about all the Saints you and Emily had chosen, she was so grateful and pleased. Then I told her about you and Saints for Sinners and I had the lagniappe in the box for her. She was ecstatic. It was then she told me that she wasn’t Catholic but had been following the Catholic religion for many years. Imagine that! She just got back from Medjegoria! Anyway she loves her Cross.
Peggy Villemarette
PS. The Repurposed Cross was perfect too! I kept it for myself! I was going to give it to a nurse friend but I’m a nurse too and decided to keep it! Beautiful

Dear Rob,
Thank you for the beautiful Miraculous Medal. On Thursday at our little mission church, St. Williams, we have Mass at 6:00 and supper at the center at 6:45. It is rather an intimate group with pot luck contributions. Father Hart leads us in the blessing with a Scripture study to follow -- sometimes we just visit.
I am taking your folder tomorrow to Mass and Supper. I want Father Hart to bless th emedal and show it to my friends. The website is so very informative and intriguing showing the devestation of Katrina. It is remarkable how you have recouped. May God continue to bless your endeavors -- it is just beautiful and I am so very proud to wear it and show it off.
Thank you for your friendship with ClemIII. I am sincerely grateful for the relationship. Clem is so far away from home and I am so pleased he has found friends such as yourself.
God bless you. Keep the faith and may God continue his blessings as he has in the past.
Mary Julia

Dear Rob, Thanks for the Sacred Heart. It's Gorgeous!!! For my good friend Rob, thanks for the beautiful medals. All my best. Love, Soozie Tyrell
PS Soozie's CD "White Lines" features Saint Genevieve, available on iTunes.

Dear Rob,
Thank you for the beautiful St. Francis medal. It is glorious as is the story of St. Francis.Thank you for your thoughtfulness and your kind words.

Dear Rob,
May I ples have a saint Jacinta medl or our Lade of Fatama? I am named aftr Sant Jacinta. Thank you and mare Crisms!
<3 Mary Jacinta
Thank you so much for sending out another shipment to my niece for her Baptism! Fantastic Customer Service! FYI, when I used Paypal on the order form page, it used my Paypal address for shipping information.
I’m not sure if it was you, but a few years ago, at the Joan of Arc Mardi Gras Parade, someone handed me a small box with some of the hand-painted medals. Since then I’ve purchased several medals from you, and everyone loves them!
Thanks again!
James Baker

"Dear Rob, I want to let you know how much I appreciate your sending the St. Jude medal. I find it very meaningful because I am dropping my son off to attend a rehab meeting." -Mary

"Thank you for the rosary from Fatime! I will treasure it always." Love, Rosemary L.

"Thank you for the Saint Rosalie medal. They are hard to find. I remember your mom very well. She was a very special lady." - Sarah C.

"I just read the beautiful storey of Saint John Bosco. It brought tears to my eyes." -Ann H.

"It is beautiful and I will cherish it for many years to come." -Malia

Thank you SO MUCH for all that you do for us! I love your medals and all of you! God bless!

Rob, Thanks so much for letting Sven (the pug) and me bardge in today to pick out a few treasures. We really enjoyed meeting you. Thank you for taking the time to educate me about the websites to go to and about the saints in general. Your kindness & warmth was just what we needed on a hot afternoon. :) Have a wonderful week, and safe travels for your upcoming trip to Rome! <3 Lynn & Sven

Dear Rob & Team, What a lovely surprise to open my Fatima rosary last week. I'd forgotten I'd signed up to receive it. I am of Portuguese heritage and lived in NOLA for a few years to attend grad school @ Tulane, so this gift has particular significance. What a kind and generous offering you have made to so many. Thank you. I've been talking to a friend/shop owner about carrying your medals. She's intrigued and of course loves the name. I'm so glad I found you on Fab.com back in the day. My medals have brought me joy and inspiration. Thanks again, Melissa

Dear Mr. Clemenz, Thank you very much for your kind Padre Pio gifts. We gave them out to the sick. May St. Pio bless you for your kindness & know that you are in our prayers here at our prayer group in Canton, Ohio at St. Raphael Book Center. Also I will have the mass for you at our next meeting. God Bless You, Fr. Nicholas

Rob!!! Just wanted to let you know, I Love all the medals I ordered from you in the past...and I enjoy your newsletter. I always read every and each one I receive till the very end... Thank you for this Cross offer, as I misplaced mine...it comes at just the right time.. Keep up the good work, and again may God bless you and your staff for all your efforts...this is a form of evangelization, which we need so badly lately!!! :) Pat

Rob & Emily -
Thanks for working with me on the colors for the second St. Helen medal. I'm sure my mom will love the light blue border a lot better. I have decided to keep the original medal for myself. In fact, I wore it a few days ago when I went to visit mom - she thought it was pretty cool that I was wearing "her" Saint's medal.
Thanks again-
God Bless-

"What a fabulous idea." - Patti Scialfa & Bruce Springsteen

Dear SfS-
I just wanted to let you know how touched I was by your story on St. Rosalie. (I read it on the website) It was such a heartwarming and sweet story. Nowadays it seems all the media wishes to do is bash Catholics. Your memories are what the Catholic religion, to me, is all about; the "little things" that are done, and the inconspicious people behind the scenes, doing God's work for him here. I hope one day to be able to visit St. Rosalie's Church. Please keep writing, your stories are great.
God Bless.
Mary Ann

Dear Mr. Clemenz,
Thank you for the medal of St. Richard of Chichester. I really like it. When my mom gave it to me, she put it on the necklace and hung it around my neck. I am a big Nascar fan. So, on Yahoo! sports I have a fantasy auto racing team named "St. Richard of Chichester Racing." We went online and found your website. St. Richard's biography in your site helped be choose that name for my team. I was happy to learn that there wa a patron saint for car racing and car racing fans, like me. Now, thanks to your generosity, I have a medal of my patron saint.
God Bless,
11 years old

Dear Rob, We just wanted to thank you for the beautiful medal of St. Margaret you sent us over the holidays, I thought it was pretty amazing that you sent us St. Margaret (safe pregnancy) cause the day before we received your package I found out that we were pregnant after 2 years of trying! You just have a sixth sense!
We're so glad that your business is doing well and we really enjoy the newspaper articles you sent. God Bless you and your family and thanks again for thinking of us!
Kathy & Jimmy
PS I would like to order a medal of St. Jude. Thanks!

Thank you so much for the beautiful bracelet. You are so sweet for thinking of me. I love your medals and always brag about you. I hope you and the Saints have a very successful season.
All the best!
Melanie Loomis
After talking to you on the phone, I was excited about placing my order for a medal (which turned out to be three medals).
When they arrived I couldn't have been more pleased! The weight and detail of the medal itself is top quality and the hand enameled color really sets it off.
When I was a young boy I used to wear saints' medals, but haven't worm them for many years. It's a comforting feeling to wear them again.
I wear all three of my medals on the same chain and have just reordered five more!
Thanks for your personal service and recommendations. You are a pleasure to deal with.

Dear Rob,
I just realized I never sent you a thank you note for the package of medals you sent me. I'm so sorry! I loved reading about all the saints. I am going to give the Christopher medal to Julia when she gets home from college, because she loves to travel. Lately I've been wearing the St. Peter/Paul medal. I liked their stories. Especially Paul's head bouncing and making the 3 fountains in Rome. Crazy! Thank you very much again for thinking of me.
Dear Rob,
Thank you for the medals. I really love them.
From Joshua
(Sue's friend)

I'm sending pictures of our tent and some of our team at Relay for Life. Relay is an American Cancer Society fundraiser that involves a team walk-a-thon where one member of your team is walking for an entire 24 hour period. Our team/campsite had a Mardi Gras theme and we named ourselves the Krewe of Peregrine, after St. Peregrine whose medal Phil is wearing. He had lots of opportunities to show off his medal and you received lots of compliments on your work. Thanks for helping us come up with such a creative and meaningful team name. I'm thrilled to say we raised over $8,000!

Dear Rob,
Thanks for the lovely medal -- I feel you were prompted by that holy man! and I thank you both and pray is blessing hundredfolds back to you, darling.
Love to you & Rick --

Rob-- The medals are magnificent. I am so delighted that Lois told me about you and SaintsforSinners. All my best wishes that your holidays are filled with peace, joy and swell fun!

Dear Rob--
Thanks so much for the keychain medal -- you need not have worried. I think Fr. George appreciated his medal very much, as did my grandson.
Thanks for the beautiful work! I'll be in touch for more, I know.

Dear SaintsforSinners --
I am a divorced mom struggling to raise & keep my 16 year old son on the right path. His dad works in Texas so we don't see him often. I have been divorced for over 10 years & still have not found the right partner for myself, which I could would be a positive make influence on my son.
Praying to be a better mom & find someone to share my life with.
Thank you!

Enclosed is the medal you sent me with my order. It was blessed by Pope Benedict XVI in general audience on 13 December 2006. I was at the audience during a trip to Rome.
I wanted to return it to you now that it has been blessed. Hopefully the blessing will rest in New Orleans and on you.

Dear Rob,
Thank you for your generous donation to our art gallery. The bracelet sold for $130 to a teacher from the high school.
We love your work and are so appreciative of your kindness. Kristin told me you have just returned from Italy. I'd love to hear some stories from that trip!
Thanks a million,

Dearest Rob--
Such a delight to share with you today. I pray you'll come to Ohio & visit the "Clan LeVoyer" -- we look forward to it.
I've enclosed my book for you & a couple of extra poems - please share - One is for those having hurt from family or friends about their sexual choice - The other for the countless families batling with addiction either drugs or alcohol and losing way too many children & young adults to death because of the addiction.
It is truly heartbreaking to see the obit page & the daily stories.
There is not a family in the world that does not face this issue at some point - including mine.
God bless you always.

Thank you for the wonderful gifts you gave us from your visit to Rome - the cross of the Good Shepherd is beautiful.
Thank you,
Enid, Vera, Anna
Hi: Your medals are beautiful. I both wear and share them (thank you for the additional to share). I gave my Miraculous Medal to a friend and am now purchasing another. Question: Is it possible to include the color blue in the medal? My previous had it and was hoping for something similar. If not that’s fine, they’re beautiful with any color.

October 20, 2023
... you can trust that I will continue to be a customer from here on out. -Amanda S.

October 18, 2023
... one person can make a difference in the world. -Brenda

August 15, 2023
... you continue to inspire such love for the faith. -Margie S.

August 14, 2023
Thank you so much for your generosity. -Peggy V.

May 18, 2023
This weeks saints are spot on! -Sarah F.

April 10, 2023
...this cross was meant for me. - Tasha G.

Holy Thursday, April 6, 2023
Peace of Christ and Easter Blessings. -Toni A.

March 31, 2023
Thank you, thank you, thank you! -Janice Hans

March 14, 2023
God bless you and your team. -Vanessa

February 16, 2023
Blessings. - Angie M.

November 2022

June 2022
From my deep hearts core. May this season of light fill you up. -Sarah

August 2021
Saints for Sinners if my go to for medals. Peace. - Elizabeth K.

I literally had medals in my cart from the Vatican’s website that were blessed by Pope Francis, yet, I waited. Actually that’s probably the most incredible compliment I’ve ever given to anyone, and it’s absolutely true.
Having a healthy dose of hubris, I even tried my own DIY paint job on St. Francis which ended up as an insult to the medal. I had to track down special paint for this, mind you. The guy at Michael’s acted like I was a lunatic.
In sum, your talent is extraordinary, and I have a host of people who have admired my choice of neckwear for the last 5ish years. Your art is special to so many people in so many ways.
Not to mention, the medals actually work. They really answer prayers. I’m not sure how you source them.
Finally, you have a huge selection - much larger than the Vatican - and they’re very high quality. I have been thinking about these for years and getting a personal email back? Wow!
Back to regular life…
A Catherine would be great. And since you emailed, let me add to my wishlist! Are you willing to revamp my tortured old medals? I’d be willing to pay for your time and talent of course.
Kristen M.
July 2021

June 2021
I love the vibrant, brightly painted saint medals. If possible, if you have any for difficult situations, diabetes, marriage problems, &/or travel..... that would be great! But I’m open to whatever you send! Thank you!
I love what you all have done w/saints medals. Very creative & unique.
Vicki J.
Ponder, TX

May 2021
Hello, if I read your email correctly, I would appreciate the almost completely FREE Our Lady of the Highway medal on a clasp.
Thank you,
Kris H.
Metairie, LA
Peace & Blessings!
Thanks for your beautiful little company and all you do.

April 7, 2021
I just wanted to let you guys know that I received my order today and absolutely love them! Especially the lagniappe Divine Mercy keychain. Both of the medals I ordered are gifts and I was regretting not getting one for myself. It brightened my bad day!!
Thank you! I’ll definitely be recommending you guys to friends and family!
Simone D.
Branch, LA

March 11, 2021
When I got an email indicating my package was out for delivery, I ignored it because I couldn't imagine I would receive my order that quickly. I was very pleasantly surprised to find a package waiting on me when I went home for lunch. I wanted to email you to thank you for the quick delivery and, even more importantly, to thank you for the wonderful quality of the items I ordered. They are beautiful. My St. Thomas More medal with the clasp is already attached to my key chain and the Miraculous Medal is so beautiful that I haven't 100% decided whether to keep it myself or pass it along. And the lagniappe was a nice surprise.
Thanks again, I will definitely order from you again at some point.
Michael L.
Chester, SC
December 4, 2020
Dear Rob,
I wanted to thank you for making these wonderful medals--Our Lady of Perpetual Help has been patient and helpful with me! Others have been lovely gifts for family, friends and my partner. Archangel Uriel seems to be working hard for the poets in my life--I guess he's the Avis of Angels! The little ones are for certain small friends for whom they are sized just right! They are all so beautiful and knowing all the love that goes into makes them shine.
Thank you and have a Merry Merry Christmas!
With love,
Briony G.
Altadena, CA
“The following is just a thank you note. I lived in New Orleans for a couple of years (2008-2010) and bought my first of your medals (St. Agatha) from a boutique in Metairie. It is still the medal with which I have the strongest connection. I want to say thank you for keeping the saints present, vibrant, and approachable and that I so appreciate your medals and your newsletter. Although terribly saddened (and somewhat discouraged) by the newsletter that noted some people's disappointment (gentle term) in Pope Francis' comments regarding members of the LGBTQ+ community, I want to extend another thank you for your gracious response to their reactions. As an academic who studies saints (virgin martyrs) and as an often-distressed Catholic, I appreciate your art, your efforts, and your hopeful and positive tone. Thank you ever so much and all the best, Eileen H.”
September 11, 2020
Hi, Rob--
I have purchased and been gifted a total of around eight of your beautiful hand-painted medals over the years. I even wound up with two St. Michael (my patron saint) medals, but I was fine with that because they were both quite unique. Now, I am sad to report that my mom passed away in June, but I thought you might like to know that I placed one of the St. Michael medals in a pouch and sent it along with her on her journey to Heaven. I like to think that she will always have it and that it will be a nice reminder of me and the loving bond that we shared. Though my heart is still very heavy, I am glad to be able to share this story with you. I hope that it makes you feel good about the important work that you do.
Michael O.
Williston Park, NY
September 11, 2020
Just opened my order and got to read your letter. Thanks so much! The medals are beautiful and the lagniappe much appreciated. I am writing because the medals I’ve bought are always for friends...
My first purchase was for a dear friend and his daughter. She was diagnosed with a degenerative spinal disease. They both loved the medals. She put her’s on right away but her brother claimed the other one - Dad never did get to wear it. They are all doing well in Hawaii now.
My current purchase was for another friend who’s son just died of an overdose. I couldn’t leave her boyfriend out. So he also got one! The lagniappe has been claimed by my wife - a teacher who just went back but is still a bit “Covid shy.”
The medals are always appreciated and I think they always help!
Thanks for your efforts and kindness...
-Gary V.
August 2020
Dear Rob,
I can't believe how fast my package came. I love my guardian angel!
As I was telling my husband about your medals and how I feel like the spirit absolutely speaks through you and telling him some of the testimonials, I opened the little pouch and out fell St. Ann. You'll never know how much love I felt. My grandma passed away at the beginning of May and because of COVID we weren't able to attend her funeral mass. No one was. The thought of not being able to attend one last mass with her is SO heavy on my heart and the patron of Grandmother's was like one last hug from her. Thank you.
Urbana, IL

August 2020
Dear Rob,
I have been purchasing your medals, I would have to believe, almost from the beginning. I can’t tell you how many St. Michael the Archangel medals I have bought, have been blessed and then subsequently lost. I have purchased a host of other medals, including St. Germaine, because we have a daughter with disabilities (and maybe to a lesser extent because my wife loves the liqueur); St. Anthony, because in his last year of life, my father returned to the church and was drawn to him; and Saints Luke and Raphael the Archangel to guide my son as he begins his career in ICU medicine in New Orleans, to name a few.
That brings me to the point of my message. This week, I received an order of two medals, and you provided some Lagniappe, a St. Agatha medal, with the note to give it to a friend or family member. While my wife, my daughter and I were out on an evening walk yesterday, I told her about your note and that you sent the St. Agatha medal as a little something extra. My wife was floored, because Agatha is her confirmation name, a fact that I seemed to have forgotten after 38 years of marriage. It gave her chills and, needless to say, I gave her the medal. Some may call this serendipity, but I would like to think it was more than a coincidence.
Thank you for the beautiful medals that you produce – just maybe your efforts are helping spread the faith.
Jay C.
Voorhees Township, NJ

July 24, 2020
Dear Rob,
Thank you for the thoughtful "JP2" cross and rosary, etc. The cross is lovely and we will treasure the rosary. Very thoughtful!
Enclosed, please find a gift card to enjoy some coffee or food on us.
Best Regards,
July 2020
Dear Rob and everyone at Saints for Sinners,
I received such a wonderful surprise today when I retrieved my mail! You folks are wonderful!! You made my day when I opened the Saints for Sinners package. I am so thrilled with the repurposed cross, the petite ruby red rosary, the sterling 4 way cross, the gorgeous painted Sacred Heart medal with the Infant of Prague on reverse, and the medal of St. Lucy who’s feast day is December 13th- my birthday!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
From prior orders I have the extra Saints medals you so graciously sent which I will give to our 2 ‘summer’ seminarians. Our parish is graced to have these faith filled young men who will one day bring the sacraments to the laity in our diocese.
I have only been to New Orleans once - and loved it (esp the muffuletta sandwich) but hope to visit again. My first stop will be Saints for Sinners!
Always in my prayers,
Janice +
P.S. The sterling silver bracelets are exquisite.
June 2020
We received the nicest note from Sherri in Tennessee. She has been a customer for many years. We loved this story she shared with us. It's not exactly a "testimonial' in the truest send but it is a sweet story!
Hi Rob!
Thanks for your newsletter. I always enjoy reading what you’ve been up to, and, of course, the interesting stories about the saints and your medals.
The bracelet you created is a work of art! I love the bright colors and how carefully you chose the medals!
I laughed when you mentioned that Emily told you the bracelet was “loud.” As a young child in the 1960’s, I remember my mom wearing a silver charm bracelet to work each day. I loved the way it jingled when she moved her arm—The sound was melodic to my young ears. I would often sit in her lap, pick out a charm and ask her to tell me the story behind it. She always remembered who gave her each charm and the occasion. My favorites were a gray cat and the silhouette of a girl’s face with my name engraved on the back. I’ve had my mom’s charm bracelet since she passed away in 2003, and it will always be one of my most treasured possessions.
Thanks for unintentionally giving me a very pleasant walk down memory lane!
Hugs and prayers from Nashville,
Sherri M.
Nashville, TN
June 2020
Wow! The cross and medal just arrived. Gorgeous!!! We are Polish and we worship Pope John Paul who is under the lovely rose! I may order another but I know they all are different
Can I tell you how perfect the St Alice medal is for our daughter who is a Polyglot? She is fluent in many languages and studies studies studies!
Bless you for All that you do!!!
Cindy Y.
Falls Church, VA

November 2019
We received the sweetest SaintsforSinners testimonial from Shirley Lewis today: "Today I was at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. and saw your SaintsforSinners medals in the goft shop! It makes me proud and happy! Well done!!" Thank you, Shirley. You made our day. you made our week. Thanks so much!

Here is a beautiful (reprinted, verbatim) testimonial we received on Easter Sunday from a lady, Janice, in Pennsylvania. We sent her hand-painted medal packages. She loved our hand-painted cross adorned with the “Misfit Medals” and wrote to let us know. Thanks, Janice.
New Orleans loves you too, and so do we – thanks so much!
- rob & the SaintsforSinners Gang.
April 12, 2020
Hi Rob and All -
Happy Easter! My order arrived and I am so pleased. This is my first order but won’t be my last. Saint Philomena is a gift for a friend with a devotion to her. I bet she has never seen a medal like yours. I love my cross with all the medals and Divine Providence was at work as St. Therese is my confirmation Saint & St. Catherine is my daughter's name, I have a brother Christopher and St. Jude an all time fav! There are several others that have deep meaning in my life. I must also thank you for the small silver cross and the St. Martha medal. I have the Martha personality type! How nice of you to send those free gifts.
You and your staff are in my prayers. Keep doing your
wonderful work!
Many blessings,
Janice from PA
(P.S. I love New Orleans! Stay Safe)
June 2020
Dear Rob!!!
Thanks so much for the beautiful and meaningful crosses you recently made for me! I ordered a repurposed Cross and a Flood Cross for my friend “Jo” the social worker for her birthday! OMG! I have never seen anyone in such awe. She was speechless! She immediately knew it was a “cross” but when I explained the significance of it and she read about all the Saints you and Emily had chosen, she was so grateful and pleased. Then I told her about you and Saints for Sinners and I had the lagniappe in the box for her. She was ecstatic. It was then she told me that she wasn’t Catholic but had been following the Catholic religion for many years. Imagine that! She just got back from Medjegoria! Anyway she loves her Cross.
Peggy Villemarette
PS. The Repurposed Cross was perfect too! I kept it for myself! I was going to give it to a nurse friend but I’m a nurse too and decided to keep it! Beautiful

Dear Rob,
Thank you for the beautiful Miraculous Medal. On Thursday at our little mission church, St. Williams, we have Mass at 6:00 and supper at the center at 6:45. It is rather an intimate group with pot luck contributions. Father Hart leads us in the blessing with a Scripture study to follow -- sometimes we just visit.
I am taking your folder tomorrow to Mass and Supper. I want Father Hart to bless th emedal and show it to my friends. The website is so very informative and intriguing showing the devestation of Katrina. It is remarkable how you have recouped. May God continue to bless your endeavors -- it is just beautiful and I am so very proud to wear it and show it off.
Thank you for your friendship with ClemIII. I am sincerely grateful for the relationship. Clem is so far away from home and I am so pleased he has found friends such as yourself.
God bless you. Keep the faith and may God continue his blessings as he has in the past.
Mary Julia

Dear Rob, Thanks for the Sacred Heart. It's Gorgeous!!! For my good friend Rob, thanks for the beautiful medals. All my best. Love, Soozie Tyrell
PS Soozie's CD "White Lines" features Saint Genevieve, available on iTunes.

Dear Rob,
Thank you for the beautiful St. Francis medal. It is glorious as is the story of St. Francis.Thank you for your thoughtfulness and your kind words.

Dear Rob,
May I ples have a saint Jacinta medl or our Lade of Fatama? I am named aftr Sant Jacinta. Thank you and mare Crisms!
<3 Mary Jacinta
Thank you so much for sending out another shipment to my niece for her Baptism! Fantastic Customer Service! FYI, when I used Paypal on the order form page, it used my Paypal address for shipping information.
I’m not sure if it was you, but a few years ago, at the Joan of Arc Mardi Gras Parade, someone handed me a small box with some of the hand-painted medals. Since then I’ve purchased several medals from you, and everyone loves them!
Thanks again!
James Baker

"Dear Rob, I want to let you know how much I appreciate your sending the St. Jude medal. I find it very meaningful because I am dropping my son off to attend a rehab meeting." -Mary

"Thank you for the rosary from Fatime! I will treasure it always." Love, Rosemary L.

"Thank you for the Saint Rosalie medal. They are hard to find. I remember your mom very well. She was a very special lady." - Sarah C.

"I just read the beautiful storey of Saint John Bosco. It brought tears to my eyes." -Ann H.

"It is beautiful and I will cherish it for many years to come." -Malia

Thank you SO MUCH for all that you do for us! I love your medals and all of you! God bless!

Rob, Thanks so much for letting Sven (the pug) and me bardge in today to pick out a few treasures. We really enjoyed meeting you. Thank you for taking the time to educate me about the websites to go to and about the saints in general. Your kindness & warmth was just what we needed on a hot afternoon. :) Have a wonderful week, and safe travels for your upcoming trip to Rome! <3 Lynn & Sven

Dear Rob & Team, What a lovely surprise to open my Fatima rosary last week. I'd forgotten I'd signed up to receive it. I am of Portuguese heritage and lived in NOLA for a few years to attend grad school @ Tulane, so this gift has particular significance. What a kind and generous offering you have made to so many. Thank you. I've been talking to a friend/shop owner about carrying your medals. She's intrigued and of course loves the name. I'm so glad I found you on Fab.com back in the day. My medals have brought me joy and inspiration. Thanks again, Melissa

Dear Mr. Clemenz, Thank you very much for your kind Padre Pio gifts. We gave them out to the sick. May St. Pio bless you for your kindness & know that you are in our prayers here at our prayer group in Canton, Ohio at St. Raphael Book Center. Also I will have the mass for you at our next meeting. God Bless You, Fr. Nicholas

Rob!!! Just wanted to let you know, I Love all the medals I ordered from you in the past...and I enjoy your newsletter. I always read every and each one I receive till the very end... Thank you for this Cross offer, as I misplaced mine...it comes at just the right time.. Keep up the good work, and again may God bless you and your staff for all your efforts...this is a form of evangelization, which we need so badly lately!!! :) Pat

Rob & Emily -
Thanks for working with me on the colors for the second St. Helen medal. I'm sure my mom will love the light blue border a lot better. I have decided to keep the original medal for myself. In fact, I wore it a few days ago when I went to visit mom - she thought it was pretty cool that I was wearing "her" Saint's medal.
Thanks again-
God Bless-

"What a fabulous idea." - Patti Scialfa & Bruce Springsteen

Dear SfS-
I just wanted to let you know how touched I was by your story on St. Rosalie. (I read it on the website) It was such a heartwarming and sweet story. Nowadays it seems all the media wishes to do is bash Catholics. Your memories are what the Catholic religion, to me, is all about; the "little things" that are done, and the inconspicious people behind the scenes, doing God's work for him here. I hope one day to be able to visit St. Rosalie's Church. Please keep writing, your stories are great.
God Bless.
Mary Ann

Dear Mr. Clemenz,
Thank you for the medal of St. Richard of Chichester. I really like it. When my mom gave it to me, she put it on the necklace and hung it around my neck. I am a big Nascar fan. So, on Yahoo! sports I have a fantasy auto racing team named "St. Richard of Chichester Racing." We went online and found your website. St. Richard's biography in your site helped be choose that name for my team. I was happy to learn that there wa a patron saint for car racing and car racing fans, like me. Now, thanks to your generosity, I have a medal of my patron saint.
God Bless,
11 years old

Dear Rob, We just wanted to thank you for the beautiful medal of St. Margaret you sent us over the holidays, I thought it was pretty amazing that you sent us St. Margaret (safe pregnancy) cause the day before we received your package I found out that we were pregnant after 2 years of trying! You just have a sixth sense!
We're so glad that your business is doing well and we really enjoy the newspaper articles you sent. God Bless you and your family and thanks again for thinking of us!
Kathy & Jimmy
PS I would like to order a medal of St. Jude. Thanks!

Thank you so much for the beautiful bracelet. You are so sweet for thinking of me. I love your medals and always brag about you. I hope you and the Saints have a very successful season.
All the best!
Melanie Loomis
After talking to you on the phone, I was excited about placing my order for a medal (which turned out to be three medals).
When they arrived I couldn't have been more pleased! The weight and detail of the medal itself is top quality and the hand enameled color really sets it off.
When I was a young boy I used to wear saints' medals, but haven't worm them for many years. It's a comforting feeling to wear them again.
I wear all three of my medals on the same chain and have just reordered five more!
Thanks for your personal service and recommendations. You are a pleasure to deal with.

Dear Rob,
I just realized I never sent you a thank you note for the package of medals you sent me. I'm so sorry! I loved reading about all the saints. I am going to give the Christopher medal to Julia when she gets home from college, because she loves to travel. Lately I've been wearing the St. Peter/Paul medal. I liked their stories. Especially Paul's head bouncing and making the 3 fountains in Rome. Crazy! Thank you very much again for thinking of me.
Dear Rob,
Thank you for the medals. I really love them.
From Joshua
(Sue's friend)

I'm sending pictures of our tent and some of our team at Relay for Life. Relay is an American Cancer Society fundraiser that involves a team walk-a-thon where one member of your team is walking for an entire 24 hour period. Our team/campsite had a Mardi Gras theme and we named ourselves the Krewe of Peregrine, after St. Peregrine whose medal Phil is wearing. He had lots of opportunities to show off his medal and you received lots of compliments on your work. Thanks for helping us come up with such a creative and meaningful team name. I'm thrilled to say we raised over $8,000!

Dear Rob,
Thanks for the lovely medal -- I feel you were prompted by that holy man! and I thank you both and pray is blessing hundredfolds back to you, darling.
Love to you & Rick --

Rob-- The medals are magnificent. I am so delighted that Lois told me about you and SaintsforSinners. All my best wishes that your holidays are filled with peace, joy and swell fun!

Dear Rob--
Thanks so much for the keychain medal -- you need not have worried. I think Fr. George appreciated his medal very much, as did my grandson.
Thanks for the beautiful work! I'll be in touch for more, I know.

Dear SaintsforSinners --
I am a divorced mom struggling to raise & keep my 16 year old son on the right path. His dad works in Texas so we don't see him often. I have been divorced for over 10 years & still have not found the right partner for myself, which I could would be a positive make influence on my son.
Praying to be a better mom & find someone to share my life with.
Thank you!

Enclosed is the medal you sent me with my order. It was blessed by Pope Benedict XVI in general audience on 13 December 2006. I was at the audience during a trip to Rome.
I wanted to return it to you now that it has been blessed. Hopefully the blessing will rest in New Orleans and on you.

Dear Rob,
Thank you for your generous donation to our art gallery. The bracelet sold for $130 to a teacher from the high school.
We love your work and are so appreciative of your kindness. Kristin told me you have just returned from Italy. I'd love to hear some stories from that trip!
Thanks a million,

Dearest Rob--
Such a delight to share with you today. I pray you'll come to Ohio & visit the "Clan LeVoyer" -- we look forward to it.
I've enclosed my book for you & a couple of extra poems - please share - One is for those having hurt from family or friends about their sexual choice - The other for the countless families batling with addiction either drugs or alcohol and losing way too many children & young adults to death because of the addiction.
It is truly heartbreaking to see the obit page & the daily stories.
There is not a family in the world that does not face this issue at some point - including mine.
God bless you always.

Thank you for the wonderful gifts you gave us from your visit to Rome - the cross of the Good Shepherd is beautiful.
Thank you,
Enid, Vera, Anna
Hi: Your medals are beautiful. I both wear and share them (thank you for the additional to share). I gave my Miraculous Medal to a friend and am now purchasing another. Question: Is it possible to include the color blue in the medal? My previous had it and was hoping for something similar. If not that’s fine, they’re beautiful with any color.