Blessed Sacrament Monstrance

Blessed Sacrament Monstrance

The Celebration of the Eucharist

Receiving the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ is usually the second attainable Sacrament, preceded by Baptism. Jesus said to his Disciples, “Take this all of you and eat from it, this is my body which shall be given up for you.” He offered His Body and Blood, in the form of bread and wine, so our sins would be forgiven, in memory of Him.

First Holy Communion is Celebrated as a type of entry into the Catholic Church and meaningful religious life and devotion. The Holy Eucharist connects us with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and connects us with one another as a Community of the Faithful. We revere the Blessed Sacrament, its power of connection and its reminder of an Everlasting Afterlife with God and our loved ones.

Receiving Holy Communion keeps us centered on reflection and elimination of our worldly sins. By receiving Holy Communion after Confessing our  failings of what we have done wrong, or failed to do right, we offer contrition to our Heavenly Father, Son, and The Holy Ghost, uniting all, in effort to live a life worthy of Christ’s Love and Praise. © 2012

5866 General Diaz Street
New Orleans, LA 70124
504.482.2467 & 504.239.3143
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Each SfS medal is imported from Italy,
painted by hand in New Orleans, Louisiana, and is
one of a kind original
“The Saints are the Sinners who keep on trying”
-Robert Louis Stevenson


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