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62 products

Alice, Adelaide Saint Medal, Invoked Learning Languages, Latin
Anna, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Apollonia, Apolonia Dentists Saint Medal, Patron Orthodontists, Invoked against Toothaches
Augustine Saint Medal, Red, Patron Saint Augustine Church, Saint Augustine Schools
Barbara, Lightning, Fire, Explosions Saint Medal for Safe Fireworks Displays
Benedict, Saint Medal, Patron of Twins, Monks, "Rules for Life," Twin Brother of Saint Scholastica
Bernard, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron of Bees, Honey, Candlemakers
Bernardine of Siena, Bernardino, Saint Medal, Patron Advertising, Public Relations, Crisis Management
Bridget, Brigid, Saint Medal, Maritime Patron of Boatsmen, Cruise Ships, Vessels, Navy, and Sailors
Cecilia, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron of Poets, Musicians, Imagination, Singing
Charles Borromeo, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Invoke Against Stomach Ailments, Nausea
Cosmas and Damian, Saint Medal, Patron of Twins, Surgeons, Vets
Damien of Molokai, Saint Medal, Patron of Hawaii, Invoked against Viruses
Dominic, Saint Medal, Patron of Astronomy, Order of Preachers
Florian, Saint Medal, Patron of Firemen & Brewers, Protects from Fires & Floods
Francis de Sales, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron of Journalists, Writers, Editors
Gabriel the Archangel, Saint Medal, Patron for Good News,  Messages, Texting & Postal Workers
Gemma Galgani, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron Saint of Chemists and Pharmacists
Genesius, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron Saint of Actors, Comedians & Lawyers
Germaine, Saint Medal, Patron of the Handicapped, Disability Awareness, ADA
Gianna Beretta, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron of Mothers, Unborn Children
Ignatius Loyola, Hand-Painted Saint Medal #2/Blue, Patron Saint of the Jesuits and Learning
Ignatius Loyola, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Society of Jesus, Jesuit Order
Isidore of Seville, Hand-Painted Saint Medal, Patron of the Internet, Farmers, New Media