Our Retail Stores & Recent Expansions!
We have been expanding our retail store outlets and our imported Italian hand-painted Saint medallion designs are now available throughout Louisiana, in select Catholic Books and Gift Shops, and boutiques in the cities and states listed.
We are also selling our designs at Café Espresso in Tokyo, Japan (“We’re Big in Japan!”) and Coachella in Seville, Spain.
So, if we were the “bragging type” we could technically say we are selling imported Italian SaintforSinners hand-painted saint medallions worldwide, on 3 continents! That’s a bit of a stretch though, since we have 1 store in Asia and 1 store in Europe, but maybe we will expand and flourish and continue to grow! Does anyone know a retailer in Africa?
We are always very interested in hearing about cool, unique shops that our customers like and recommend for offering the SaintsforSinners line. Ask your local retail store owner or buyer to carry the SaintsforSinners one-of-a-kind medals in their store. Our hand-painted display cases filled with 30 hand-painted saints will garner lots of attention, keep folks in stores longer, and have customers coming back again and again to see new Saints on display.
Plus, there’s no way any store could have every saint medal we have found throughout Italy (and everywhere else we go to find saint medals), so our inventory constantly changes. And often, Pope Francis, at the Vatican declares “new saints have been added” so we try to attend the canonizations and buy the newly crafted saint medals.
Retailers contact Rob Clemenz, SaintsforSinners Founder at 504.239.3143. The number is suitable for texting question as well. Thanks!
Here are our favorite retailers, listed alphabetically:

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