We're Finally Back in New Orleans, "Mailing On Up," and Mailing On Out!
There's lots to talk about - so much! I'll be sending a lot more messages, through email or on Facebook or Instagram.
Let me send a quick note now!
Lots of the SASEnvelopes you have sent us over the past few months are finally finding their way back to you. If you see your envelope above, that shows it has been received and will be coming back to you soon. AND, if you do not see it, that means it's out of our hands and will be getting to you sooner!
Some of you probably already have our mementoes.
We're sending all sorts of items from Assisi, Rome, Paris, Avignon, and Provence. The vintage cards and Franciscan wooden olive crosses are especially nice! I'll be sending these cards out with the new orders too. I found so many! I enjoyed finding them and seeing the notes people had written, sometimes from 100 years ago! The idea that they will now be remixed, remade, remodeled, and resent once again, is invigorating! You'll see the handwritten notes of congratulations, the scribblings of children, the softness of paper, the artistic designs from so many years ago. It will likely take some deciphering for some of you, because most of the notes are in French or Italian. I don't think you even need to interpret the words to appreciate the art and relevance.
Lots of new saints are joining our line-up, like Saint Cornelius, a patron of love who has a fascinating story and Saint Gens, whom I've mentioned before (that's because I was so moved by his Feast Day Celebration in Montieux, Saint Didier and Beaucet, France). Cornelius and Gens have both been painted and will be on the web site soon, along with many other new saints. (New to us, anyway!)
Speaking of the www.SaintsforSinners.com web site, also known as the www.SaintsforHOPE.com web site (two names, because you know, some people are convinced they're not sinners and those are the very people we do not want to exclude). The websites? They're getting a makeover, hopefully by October 1st. That's the target date we hope to meet.
Before the new web site comes out though, on Saturday, September 14th, we'll be at the Gretna Art Walk again and seeing the boys from Arch Bishop Shaw High School will be a highlight. The Shaw High School Educational program is exceptional. The administrators and their high school kids create a marvelous team that includes four Salesian Student Saint Houses, 1. Carlo Acutis, 2. John Don Bosco, 3. Dominic Savio, 4. Frances de Sales.
For the Carlo Acutis House, I have pictures of Carlo Acutis, who has been embalmed for viewing, and his cards to share. Carlo Acutis is not actually a saint yet, but I did get to see him in a Church outside of Rome and Assisi. So, it will be fun to give the kids information about him. Carlo died when he was 15, yet he had already lived quite a life and the big rumor is that he will be canonized as Saint Carlo in 2025. He'll probably be known as the patron of computer programming but for now, I just call him the patron saint of kids! When we paint the shirt on his medal, we put a NIKE swoosh on it, as our form of adulation for a kid who had a life well-lived, even though it was far too short.
So, there's lots of stuff to do, and hopefully Hurricane Francine will not slow down our plans. If she does, she does....
We'll be fine.
One last thing:
Thanks for being to the bottom line!
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