Celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi - October 4, 2024!

It's Nearly The Celebration of
Saint Francis of Assisi!
October 4, 2024
Round Saint Francis is
Back in Our Line Up!
We found him in Assisi,
Look Busy, because ....
It is Almost "Take Me to Church," Day, Says Your Dog, Cat, Snake, Hamster, or Ferret!
Many of you have received the gifts we sent from our trip to Assisi this past Summer. Thanks for the cards and notes. It's so nice to know you like the crosses! A funny/NOT Funny thing: I was so careful with those olive wooden Tau Croses on the string necklaces. UNTIL .... I wasn't and somehow hundreds of the necklaces got all tangled up and had to be untied and untangled. I felt like I was trying to finish a puzzle of giant sheet of blue. Or white. Or black.
Finally, some of the crosses started to separate from the giant ball of knots and now many of you have one of those Tau Crosses as your gift. They did not cost much in terms of EuroDollars, but their unraveling nearly cost me the little piece of mind I have left.
Saint Francis Feast Day is one of my favorite days. So, until October 4, 2024, we are selling his round medal at a sale price. We also have new prayer cards and blank Saint Assisi cards to go with your order. The other Saint Francis of Assisi medals we have are also on sale. I love the medal that has the Peace Prayer engraved on the other side. And the medal of Saint Francis of Assisi with the birds on his shoulders is very nice too. The medal of Saint Francis kneeling and addressing the fact that he received the Stigmata is popular too. It's not one of my favorites, but we paint each Saint Francis medal beautifully.
So, get ready to celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi on October 4th. His prose, the "Canticle of the Creatures" is inspiring.
Thanks for visiting. I'll busy painting and writing. Soon, I'll be telling you all about some of our newer medals:
- Saint Anthony of the Desert
- Saint Camillus de Lellis
- Saint Colette of Corbie
- Saint Fiacre of Breuil
- Saint Gregory the Great
- Saint Margaret of Castello
- Saint Margaret of Clitherow
- Saint Odile of Alsace
We are now painting carefully and it's a slow process. And a rewarding, fulfilling process too. Just this morning I got a call and I almost didn't answer it because I figured it was another sales call. But, I answered and it was (pleasantly and surprisingly) from a lady who received her hand-painted saint medal packages today and said she loved them and could not wait to take "Take Them to Church." She also told me we sent extra medals we called lagniappe. Amazing! She made my day!
Happy Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi (a few days early)
Thanks for Reading to the Bottom Line! (TFRTTBL)
Cor Cordium -
Rob Clemenz
Founder, Saints for Sinners, Saints for HOPE