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23rd Day of Lent - Saint Genesius   🎭    Patron of Actors & Theater - Invoked for Courageous, Honest Displays
Academy Awards

23rd Day of Lent - Saint Genesius 🎭 Patron of Actors & Theater - Invoked for Courageous, Honest Displays

Today, we celebrate Saint Genesius, the patron of actors and theatre goers. Trending on Twitter today, are stories about “Call Me By Your Name” and “Dune” actor Timothee Chalamet, who, during the ...

40 Days of Lent20th Day of Lent - Saint Therese of Lisieux  💐   Patroness of Tranquility - Flowers & Florists

20th Day of Lent - Saint Therese of Lisieux 💐 Patroness of Tranquility - Flowers & Florists

Saint Therese of Lisieux, the “Little Flower,” had this all figured out years ago. Therese found joy in doing the laundry and washing dirty dishes. That kid who won “American Idol,” Scotty McCreer...

Don't Look UpHAPPY NEW YEAR ✨  IT'S 2022! ✨


 2021 was such an unusual year, and in every way, it seems. We made some gambles, took some chances, had some losses, learned some lessons, and we look forward to a fresh start in 2022.

12th NightHappy New Year, a QUICK Reminder & A Nice Letter That is Actually Also a Testimonial!

Happy New Year, a QUICK Reminder & A Nice Letter That is Actually Also a Testimonial!

A QUICK REMINDER! For those of you in New Orleans, don’t forget about the Saint Joan of Arc Parade and Fete on January 6th in the French Quarter. It’s a celebration of Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orle...