Our Lady of Knock

Feast Day: August 21
Our Lady of Knock's story took place long ago. In 1879, times were tough in Knock, Ireland. Its people were still barely recovering from the devastation of the potato famine. British landowners held control of land and tenants often lost their homes and livelihood. On August 21st, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared, along with Saint Joseph and Saint John. No words were spoken but those who witnessed the apparitions were comforted and given strength. She brought great peace. In each of our lives there have been desperate and seemingly impossible situations. Yet, we have persevered despite the adversity. In Knock, Ireland, there is a beautiful shrine and its pilgrims find peace, comfort and healing from unexpected light. Pray to Our Lady during times of darkness. Her light shall answer and welcomingly knock on the door of your heart…. © 2016 MP
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“The Saints are the Sinners who keep on trying”
-Robert Louis Stevenson