Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Through her Intercession, Knots of Discord are Untangled, Stringing Souls & Bringing Harmony

Our Lady is actually a painting that was designed in the 1700’s. It rests in the Church of Saint Peter in Perlack Germany. Our Lady miraculously unties the knots of fear and resentment that sometimes try to remain within us. The knots of discord and disharmony are gently unstrung by Our Lady and replaced with ribbons of love and grace that surround us. Our Lady’s beautiful ribbons then instill seeds of forgiveness that, when nurtured, grow and bloom and help our relationships blossom. By untying our knots of sorrow and pain, we are then brought closer to Mary’s grace, bringing peace,  comfort, love, and faith into our circle. It is said Pope Francis has a special devotion to Our Lady. He brought her painting to Argentina, where she is highly revered. © 2014

5866 General Diaz Street
New Orleans, LA 70124
504.482.2467 & 504.239.3143
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Each SfS medal is imported from Italy,
painted by hand in New Orleans, Louisiana, and is
one of a kind original
“The Saints are the Sinners who keep on trying”
-Robert Louis Stevenson


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