Padre Pio

The Miracle Worker Invoked for Help with Health & Healing
Feast Day: September 23rd
He was Canonized in 2002 and we attended the celebratory the event in Rome. Padre was born in Italy in the late 1800’s and became a Priest. While serving the Lord, he received the Stigmata, the 5 wounds of Christ. Many stories have been told about Padre and there are some people alive who actually knew him.
Here is a story of how he became known as a miracle worker: A boy named Samuel somehow swallowed a small magic marker top while on his school bus. The nurse at school gave him time to “digest” the plastic. But the next day he got very sick and went into a coma. A man met his Mom at the hospital and in an effort to offer support he took his Padre Pio medal off and gave it to her. The Mom then put the medal on Sam’s hospital pillow. He eventually recovered and the first questions he asked was, “Can I see the Priest who came to visit me?” But no Priest had visited! The boy described Padre Pio as his visitor. Padre had appeared to Samuel in a vision and said he was praying for him. The boy got well and he lives today! Wear Padre Pio for faith in healing! © 2002