Saint Valentine

Feast Day: February 14
Actually, the story of Valentine involves three or more men with the name Valentine. Our modern day celebration of Saint Valentine’s Day seems to be less and less related to any religious event or celebration. It is believed that Saint Valentine’s Day was created to emulate an old legend about birds. In Medieval times, it was thought that birds chose their mates on February 14th. It appears this notion was copied by schoolchildren; boys would pick girls names out of a hat, befriend them as secret pen pals, and then the two would connect as special friends on Saint Valentine’s Day. Soon card makers, florists and chocolate manufacturers got in on the action. A sweet, inspiring tradition was gobbled up by commercialism. Now Saint Valentine’s Day is a multi-billion dollar industry that some say has “befallen” them. And sadly, the word “Saint” Valentine is seldom seen on most greetings sold by florists, merchants, and grocers on Saint Valentine’s Day. Always try to remember to add the word “Saint” before saying “Valentine’s Day!”
5866 General Diaz Street
New Orleans, LA 70124
504.482.2467 & 504.239.3143
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share it with someone you love
Each SfS medal is imported from Italy,
painted by hand in New Orleans, Louisiana, and is
one of a kind original
“The Saints are the Sinners who keep on trying”
-Robert Louis Stevenson