19th Day of Lent - Saint John the Apostle 🤗 Patron Saint of Friendship - Invoked for Loyally Following

19th Day of Lent - Saint John the Apostle  🤗   Patron Saint of Friendship - Invoked for Loyally Following

Celebrate Saint John the Apostle
Today, March 20th, 2022!

     Obviously, John was one of the Twelve Apostles. He was also the most loyal friend, the one who never foresaked his Faith in Jesus.

     John was nicknamed the “Beloved Disciple.” Many say Jesus asked Saint John the Apostle to look after his Mom, Mary, after he ascended into Heaven. It certainly seems their faith and loyalty to each other was reciprocal. 

     Faith and loyalty. We are fortunate that we have many followers who have remained loyal to our concept over so many years. Overall, our “Big Picture Concept” has been to add splendid color and brightness to the saints, their lives, and their medals. We have stayed true to the original idea…

     Yet, we have not been loyal to our very first concept. Sadly, it seems to have gone astray. On this midway mark through Lent there are so many for whom we are grateful, yet one man stands out. A dear friend, Tom S., from Laguna Beach, CA is one of the many, many friends we have never met who yet remains so loyal. Tom has shown his loyalty to us over decades! He always “Checks In” with us which is what he did yesterday, after I went to bed.

     I read his note this morning and he reminded me of the original Saints for Sinners Concept: “Serenity Medals and Stories for Sharing!”

SaintforSinners.com circa 2000!

     The first medals we sent out came with a message on the card. It said “Wear this medal and then share it with someone you love.” The idea was to wear the medal outwardly, and then, if and when someone noticed it, to take it off from around neck and give it to them! We called it “Serenity for Sharing.” It was meant as a bit of a message that our medals were not so much about religion, per se. Instead, they were “Tokens of Hope” to offer one another, friends and strangers, alike.

     Our friend, Tom S., was one of our very earliest customers. Tom was a collector of our designs but he wasn’t following our “Serenity for Sharing” concept very well, though. He had 18 medals on one chain, all kept, not shared.

     Yesterday Tom wrote and let us know what happened with his 18 SaintsforSinners medals:



     We were very moved by Tom’s note and gentle reminder that our medals are meant to be shared, not kept.

     Today, we celebrate Tom S. and  Saint John the Apostle, patron of friendship and loyalty. We may have self-declared that Saint John the Apostle is the patron of “loyalty” but that is no stretch for your imagination. 


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