Lent Madness RSS

Our big news is that we have hired Sheffy James,  a Brand Specialist, to help us get the word out about our hand-painted saint medals and our offbeat stories of the saints. Sheffy has been working with us for a few months and we are delighted she will be taking on a new role as a SaintsforSinners liaison. 

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True love is not once in a lifetime. True love is every day. A 5 year-old boy knows this. We can all learn from him. Make love your holiday today!

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     Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday - it's the first day of Lent, the 40 day period when we decide to improve ourselves and others, by working harder, trying more, caring about and helping those in need, and in the words of the Jesuits, "seeking peace by working for justice." And then we celebrate Easter and the Resurrection.       One fun way to become involved with Lent is by participating in "Lent Madness'' - www.Lentmadness.org  - Read on to review one of our prior emails about Ash Wednesday, Lenten Vows.     And be sure to watch ESPN's "Around the Horn" where you will see the...

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On Wednesday, many decide to take a Lenten Vow. It might be giving up candy for 40 days. It might be deciding to say 5 kind things to people every single day for 40 days! Many go to Church and receive ashes on their forehead. This shows the world the person is celebrating and participating in the Lenten Period with a Lenten Vow. 

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