Saint Philomena RSS

Saint Philomena is invoked for safe pregnancies and safe childbirth. I'm pretty sure Emily took this photo of Saint Philomena. She helped us tremendously while working for us and we are so excited for her and ask all of you to send your best thoughts, wishes, and prayers for a successful pregnancy and birth as Emily welcomes her first baby into our world.

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Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 14, 2028. Order Early & Order Often. A unique gift will accompany every order placed for Mother’s Day. Let’s celebrate Mothers’s Day this year by recognizing all those mothers and others who lovingly “mother” another! 

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Not too much is known about Saint Philomena. Her remains were discovered at the catacomb of Saint Priscilla in Rome in the 19th century. It’s likely she was martyred because when her relics were discovered stones were atop, perhaps indicating Saint Philomena was stoned to death. 

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OK, since NO ONE WON the last contest, we are doubling the prize for this next contest. Whoever guesses who all of the saints are in this next set of photographs will win two prizes and we will try to actually sent them to the winner from ROME and HOPEFULLY FROM THE VATICAN POST OFFICE. I can’t guarantee we will be able to do it, because I don’t know if the post office at the Vatican is open! Hopefully it is! 

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We learned a bit more about Arch Angel Uriel, whose name refers to light. Like the new Saint John Henry Newman, he offers hope and says, “Lead Kindly Light.” We have only seen a rendering of Arch Angel Uriel once, in Budapest, Europe, and it was marbled and perfectly sculpted. 

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A bit of an Update Regarding COVID19, it seems the various communities have come to a consensus that Saint Rock/Roch/Rocco is the “Go To” saint to ask for intercession with the pandemic. Most Google searches seem to point to Saint Rocco, as we have done, although we thought San Bernardino of Siena was a nice choice too.

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