A Few Updates for You….

Hello Everyone!
A bit of an Update Regarding COVID19, it seems the various communities have come to a consensus that Saint Rock/Roch/Rocco is the “Go To” saint to ask for intercession with the pandemic. Most Google searches seem to point to Saint Rocco, as we have done, although we thought San Bernardino of Siena was a nice choice too.
The other saint getting a lot of attention is Saint Blaise and we did mention him as one to help with breathing, respiratory, and shortness of breath. We have both of those saint medals though Saint Blaise is in short supply. We will find a way to get more, if necessary, though mail seems to be moving slow. Speaking of mail….
Mother’s Day is not too far away.
Great Saints for Mothers or Moms-to be, are:
Saint Ann, patron of mothers and grandmothers. The medal is nice and features Saint Ann teaching Mary to read. We have Ann, Anne, and Anna so we pretty much have Saint Ann on the ready to go!
Another saint well-liked is Saint Margaret, patron of fertility.
Saint Philomena is well-known for helping with childbirth and babies.
Saint Gerard is the saint we like for Moms with toddlers. That’s basically because Saint Gerard could levitate and also be in two places at one time, skills every Mom wishes she had often, or maybe every day.
Rounding out the saints for Moms is Saint Monica, for help with kids who are in those “challenging years.” Saint Monica had to chase her son Augustine over 3 continents in order to finally get him to settle down. He turned out to be a one of the most influential saints of all, so Saint Monica deserves lots of credit.
Of course, all of the Blessed Virgin Mary saints are all perfect for Mother’s Day too. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Prompt Succor or the Miraculous Medal are great choices but the one I like best is Our Lady of Guadalupe, mostly because of the old legend that says OLOGuadalupe grants Special Favors. They have to be reasonable. She is not sharing winning Powerball Numbers or letting you get fit, lose weight, or gain weight overnight. If you have a reasonable favor to ask, here is how OLOGuadalupe will grant it:
Get an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Hmmmm – how about that – we have images of OLOGuadalupe and stories about her in Spanish and English! Or you can find a picture of her in a book, online, as a statue or a church. Our retailers at Saint Paul’s Church in New York City have wonderful images of Our Lady. Sadly, they are closed.
Once you find an image of OLOGuadalupe, you need to look at her as intently as you can, believe in her, talk to her and ask her for the favor.
After you ask her for the favor, if you followed the instructions, she will grant the favor! I know, because it happened to me. Don’t worry, it’s in the book I’m writing and making really great progress with, thanks to Emily’s organizational help and support.
Should you decide to order some sort on Mom-related item for Mother’s Day, from SaintsforSinners, or elsewhere, be sure to order soon. It seems the mail is moving slow, though our packages seem to be moving swiftly, so far. Hopefully our good fortune will continue as we seek intercession from Arch Angel Gabriel the Messenger, who helps share greetings and gifts without delay.
We’ve added more saints stories to the web site, including:
Damien of Molokai (Volunteers Healing the Sick)
Elizabeth (Pregnancy)
Francis Xavier (Missionaries)
Gabriel Posenti (Catholic Youth)
Gemma Galgani (Chemists & Pharmacists)
Genevieve (Paris, France)
Hedwig (Reconciliation)
Madonna of the Street (Love, Compassion & Art)
Margaret (Fertility)
Our Lady of Lourdes (Healing & Peace)
Our Lady of Medjugorje (Faith)
Our Lady of Prompt Succor (Quick Help)
Our Lady of the Highway (Travelers & Highway Workers)
Our Lady Undoer of Knots (Straightening Knots of Discord)
Padre Pio (Miracle Worker)
Paul the Apostle (Hospital Administrators)
Pectoral Cross of Pope Francis (The People's Pope & The Good Shepherd)
Touchdown Jesus (Touchdown!)
We did very well with the hand-painted crosses we put on sale. Your thank you notes are very appreciated. The crosses take a long time to create because we have to paint the crosses, prepare the medals, attach the medals and crosses together, and then tell the story about the hand-painted crosses with saint medals and put it on the back of our design.
However, we have been working hard on the crossed and have several completed, in stock and ready to be mailed. Some of you have asked whether we can customize the saint medal crosses. So, we would have to make them after we got your order, but we can try to do it and mail the cross out. It will just take a few days to get it in the mail. If you’d like a customized flood medal or misfit medal cross, just jot down on the “leave a message” section of the order form and we will make a cross with the precise medals you want.
Usually the crosses have 8 medals attached. So, if you order one to be customized, can you please give us a few extra choices – maybe list 10 or 12 saints for us to find, prepare, and attach for you. That will make things easier. The flood waters of Hurricane Katrina did not discriminate so every medal we had was nearly ruined. But every nearly ruined medal can also be cleaned and sanded and “dremeled,” glued and/or nailed to make personalized crosses for you.
That’s all the news we have for now – let us know if you’d like a medal or a cross. If you can’t afford one at this time, send rob a note, email or give him a call and we will figure out a way to help. We know everyone is struggling right now and if we can help you, we will help you. We have to be helpful, sensitive to others’ needs and reach out to one another whenever or wherever we can. We will do that. “That’s how we roll!”
arch angel gabriel,
madonna of the street,
miraculous medal,
our lady of guadaloupe,
Our lady of lourdes,
our lady of medjugorje,
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
our lady of the highway,
our lady undoer of knots,
padre pio,
Pectoral Cross of Pope Francis,
Saint Ann,
Saint Bernadino,
Saint Blaise,
Saint Damien,
Saint Elizabeth,
Saint Francis Xavier,
Saint Gabriel Posenti,
Saint Gemma Galgani,
Saint Genevieve,
Saint Gerard,
Saint Hedwig,
Saint Margaret,
Saint Monica,
Saint Paul,
Saint Philomena,
saint Rocco,
touchdown jesus