June 2, 2023 A QUICK NEWSLETTER - Needing QUICK HELP? Send in your SASE’s 💌 Saint Veronica and the Shroud of Turin

June 2, 2023
Hello everyone!
June has arrived and has brought the Atlantic Ocean’s Hurricane Season Once Again ….
The weather reports seem to indicate this year does not have a storm looming on the horizon, though surely, we will face some “close calls” in the deep South, the Carolinas, and all of Florida. The Stories of Our Lady of Prompt Succor and Saint Angela viewing her sister Saint Ursula on the “Stairway to Heaven,” are great to read when needing glimmers of hope when there’s a storm at bay. The stories of the sisters, Angela and Ursula, all tie into the Book of Genesis, Jacob’s Ladder and Led Zeppelin, believe it or not!
In the Olden Days, Saint Angela Merici’s Memorial was yesterday, June 1st, probably not so coincidentally known as the start of “Hurricane Season.”
In a few days, we will be going to Turin, Italy to investigate Saint Veronica and the Shroud of Turin! If you’d like a souvenir, just send us a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope - mailing address below) before June 20th and we will send you one from Turin before the end of the month. Saint Veronica’s story of wiping the face of Jesus with a rag that is now known as the Shroud of Turin has its share of skeptics. That must be because the skeptics don’t understand the word “story.”
We are very excited to be able to report back soon about our trip to Turin, Saint Veronica, and “Vera,” Latin, for truth.