A Surprise Visit 🥰 Antique & Vintage Medals and Cards

A Surprise Visit 🥰 Antique & Vintage Medals and Cards


     Yesterday, Casey and I were busy getting medal orders out, always our TOP PRIORITY. While we were doing it, Casey looked out the window and saw a gray Mini Cooper that seemed to be checking out our property, office, and outdoor studio. A lady on the passenger side of the car kept looking out the window and she was also using her phone. Casey said, “The people in that car are coming here." 

     I thought she was imagining things but a few seconds later a lady called me up with an French-ISH accent and asked, “Are you SaintsforSinners?” I said “Yes” and explained that if she was in a Mini Cooper, she was at our production office and Art Studio. 

     She said her name was “Marilee” and she had come from Newfoundland, Canada, and was determined to visit. So, we invited Marilee and her daughter to come inside, even though our office and tables were even messier than usual because all the items bought and brought from Rome were still in bags and not organized. 

   But since Marilee came from Canada (her daughter lives here in New Orleans) we decided we could show her our work and talk about our mission for a few minutes. It was impossible to deny her request. Marilee and her daughter came in and I started giving a tour and showing them around. She was so very curious and was intently interested in everything. 

     I showed her the office where Casey was preparing packages to mail, our A – Z trays of hundreds of hand-painted saint medals, and other items we’ve collected over the years. I brought out the older medals and hundred years old prayer cards, the “Misfit Medal Crosses,” the “Hurricane Katrina Flood Medal Crosses,” our full inventory, and everything and anything else that had her curious. 

     She was definitely having a great time, so I talked with her about places we had traveled to like Avignon, LisieuxAvilaMedjugorje, the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal, Mont Serrat, Fatima and San Hubert, Belgium, to name a few. Finally, I brought her to see the antique Asian “Tea Cabinet” with its hundreds and hundreds of compartments where we stored all the unpainted medals collected over the years. We did some simple math and figured out we must have over 100,000 saint medals and other designs waiting to be painted! 

     Then I brought her out back to the “Studio” so she could see “where the magic happens,” the place where we study, treat, brush, clean, paint, glaze, and make our colorful medals. And I brought out the old medals that I had dug up after Hurricane Katrina tried to take them away. That was bittersweet but those flood medals are part of our history so …. they were displayed. 

     We sold her some medals, gave her some trinkets, most of the same gifts we mailed to you in your SASE’s, plus the unique prayer cards we always send out with every order. When we said goodbye, my phone rattled again. Marilee was messaging, saying visiting our studio was the highlight of her trip!


     We will begin displaying some of the older medals and cards we’ve collected over the years. We had no idea people would be so interested in 100-year-old cards. The cards are obviously quite unique and it’s fun to show them to people who appreciate the cards and notes and dates that people have written on them, some, a century ago. We will begin posting these cards & medals on our social media pages too, so keep looking for updates and even buying opportunities on one of a kind, vintage medals!


  • Tom Silk

    Hello Rob. What is your mailing address? I need to send back several medals along with the rings that you sent me. There is no way that I can just attach the present rings and add on the new ones as they are much too small for my fingers.
    I have been a faithful customer of yours for possibly 25 years so I ask that you do this small favor for me thank you.
    Tom Silk

  • Pittman Marilee

    Thank you and Casey for the warm welcome. It truly was such an honour to finally meet you and to tour the most amazing collections of saints and sinners.

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