BAD NEWS ~ United States Post Office Announcement

BAD NEWS  ~ United States Post Office Announcement

Saint Gabriel, Patron of Text Messages

     The United States Post Office, whose patron is Arch Angel Gabriel the Messenger, and who is therefore obviously the patron of text messaging, has presented some BAD NEWS!

     Arch Angel Gabriel is obviously not happy, because the USPS has declared that the deadline for mailing packages out so that they arrive for Christmas has already passed! Say Whaaaaaaaaat!?

     Yes, yesterday, December 15, was the bizarre deadline date, according to the USPS. This makes no sense whatsoever because Christmas is on Friday, December 25th. So, if you count, that means there are 8 “travel days” for mail (actually 9 because mail does move on Sunday, it just does not get delivered) and so that is still a lot of time to get packages mailed and delivered before Christmas.

     Maybe Amazon’s need for delivering their millions of products has turned things upside down. Or maybe this is COVID’s fault. We don’t know why the date has passed when there is lots of time for mail to travel.

     So, Arch Angel Gabriel’s Message is this: Order and send or wrap or make your presents and mail without delay! Mail your items very soon, like today!

     We think the USPS has probably made a “soft deadline” this year. This has never, ever happened before in all the years we have mailed hand-painted saint medal packages. We have mailed items on December 23rd and have had them arrive on time in past years. We have hand-delivered packages to people in New Orleans on Christmas Day!

      Don’t blame us, we are just messengers. It’s RED ALERT time. If you’re in New Orleans, or even in all of Louisiana, there’s surely enough time to get items delivered. And as always, we are able to try to help with mailing and delivering. Just ask, and we can probably get your packages where you want before Christmas Day, December 25th, and actually, probably by Christmas Eve, December 24th.

     Any way …. That’s the news. Don’t Believe Everything You Hear (or read) is our message. And Saint Gabriel’s.

P.S.    We're delighted that you're ordering the Misfit Medal Crosses & the Flood Medal Crosses. It's so nice to have them going out the door and finding their new purpose!

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