Our Next Pilgrimage

We hope you have a very Happy Easter!
We are sending out one of our "newsy" Newsletters to keep folks up-to-date about things we are doing, so, if you just want to "skip the news" and go to the "Super Secret Special Mother's Day Offer While Supplies Last" you can just scroll on down to the bottom of this note.
Our Next Pilgrimage is scheduled and we will be traveling to Italy to the Shrine of Our Lady of Ghisallo, Patron of Bicycle Lovers and all other cyclists. Look for an Offer in a future Newsletter ....
The next Pilgrimage will be to celebrate the Canonization of Mother Teresa in Rome in early September, 2016 - if you know of folks who have a particular fondness for Blessed Mother Teresa, invite them to sign up for the Newsletter and they will receive our Special Offer of Free Rosaries or .... whatever else we find during our excursion.
We finally have new glossy brochures available that list almost all of the saints we currently have available. We created the brochures two ways, one with the saints listed in alphabetical order, and the other, also in alphabetical order, but listed by Topics and Patronages. Please recall that neither of these lists are ever completely up-to-date since we are constantly adding to, and unfortunately, sometimes losing, or running out of, saint medals in our collection. If you'd like copies of the brochures just send your complete address in a response to this e mail and we will send them out via snail mail. Please give one to your favorite local retailer and tell them " You need to get a tray or trays of SaintsforSinners.com medals in your store."
Anne Marie's Hallmark & Gift Shoppe
416 Roberts Avenue
Jennings, LA 70546
Box Turtle
2616 Kavanaugh Boulevard
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(Technically, Box Turtle is not a new retailer but we just sent Emese & Leslie a fresh stock of medals in our new display - if you're near Little Rock, or have friends nearby, send them over to Box Turtle to take a look! )
Saint Philip Neri, patron saint of practical jokers, is back and Saint Cayetano, patron of gamblers has a new medal too!
Thank You to all the Retailers who have been selling the medals - we will be sending our brochures to you very soon.
And, Finally, Since you've almost read to "the bottom line," here is our Super Secret Mother's Day Special While Supplies Last:
Go to the website and look for the saint we have conjured up out of thin air: His name is Make Believe Saint Fivero and we have declared him to be the Patron Saint of "Super Secret Mother's Day Specials While Supplies Last." Click on "Saint" Fivero link and you will be sent to a mysteriously super secret land where 5 Mother's Day Saints:
Saint Ann, Patroness of Mothers and Grandmothers and Literacy
Saint Gerard, Patron of Mothers - Gerard was bilocational, meaning he could be in two places at one time, so he is a perfect saint for parents with toddlers
Saint Margaret, Invoked for Fertility and Safe Childbirth
Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is featured in the photo above. We recently learned she is pregnant in the design on her medal.
Saint Philomena, Patroness of Safe Childbirth....
Click here for easy viewing:
All are all available together for $100.00, a $50.00 Savings!
We will be introducing several new saint stories to our list within the next few weeks. If there's a particular story you'd like to read, just let us know and we will put that saint in the front of the line of stories to be written.
That's All For This Newsletter ....
As Always,
"Thanks for reading to the bottom line."