We are very surprised by the interest in sales of the flood medal crosses!

Hi, this is Emily. Rob is away (yes, again!!) and we have more news to share!
We have recently seen an increase in interest at SaintsforSinners for our Flood Medal Crosses (pictured above). These crosses have medals that were either recovered from after Hurricane Katrina, or medals that didn't quite make it through final inspection to sell. We are so excited that you like them!
Speaking of crosses, we recently added a brand new cross to our website - the Vatican Cross. This cross reads, "Pax et bonum" meaning Peace and Goodness Be With You. It's a Latin motto in greetings spread among the Franciscans. On the other side is inscribed "The Vatican." These crosses are two-sided; we painted one in red and the other in gold. Rob found these medals in Rome during his trip to celebrate the canonization of John Henry Newman on October 13, 2019. We hope you'll take a look at our newest item and let us know what you think!
On behalf of Rob... "Thanks for reading to the bottom line!"