What a Super Fantastic Response of Our Offer to Send Souvenirs from the Canonizations on October 13, 2019
Look at the cards and letters we have already received. Rob is not even leaving until October 10th so it looks like he will be receiving even more.
As we have said before, that’s OK, we are happy to and send some gifts or trinkets, that may or may not be Blessed by Pope Francis like they were when he went to the Saint Teresa of Calcutta Canonization a few years ago. We will all find out eventually.
Some have asked for the deadline to request something by sending us a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope ( SASE ). The answer is truly As Soon As Possible ( ASAP ) because it takes a lot of time and work to get everything organized, planned, put together, mailed and on their way to you.
So, think of the deadline as today but if you mail before the Canonization, October 13th, there’s no good reason for you to be denied because Emily can text rob in Rome and say we need ______ items. And then he can see what is available for a reasonable price to mail to y’all.
Go out and get your pets blessed, take them on an extra walk, buy some catnip for your kitty, let your bird fly all over the house, and do whatever ferrets and hamsters like, etc …
We love Saint Francis of Assisi and Rob went to a meeting this morning and gave out cards and saint Francis medals to everyone. He does it every year. It is so enjoyable celebrating the life of Saint Francis of Assisi!
We have begun adding the captions to the photographs. They are not quite finished. They will be soon, but we are halfway there and then we will be adding more in the future too. So, take a look now, and take another look again soon to see the updates.
We had a technical error and did not realize we were not adding the new e-mail sign up addresses to our list for the newsletter. That wound up leaving some people out of loop and off and out of the newsletter group. I’m sorry that happened. I take full responsibility for the error and am working hard to assure that if you or a friend of yours signs up for the newsletter, you will actually be signed up for the newsletter. We think we have it all fixed!
“Isn’t it ironic” one of our last blog posts was about mistakes. Quoting us, we “are not defined by our worst mistakes.” Neither are you. Stuff happens. Always striving to do better and be better is the goal.
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?