Who’s That Saint Contest Result “And The Winner Is ….” & A Brand New Contest For You Too!

JULY 1, 2021
Who’s That Saint Contest Result “And The Winner Is ….” & A Brand New Contest For You Too!
The Name Those Saints in Venasque Contest
Well. Well. Well. Whaddya Know?!
Ha – not too much because NO ONE guessed all the saints we presented from the Church in Venasque. Some did not realize the first saint was Saint Philomena, who helps with childbirth. Saint John Marie Baptiste Vianney was a bit obsessed with her, btw, but I guess we all have our obsessions from time to time.
Most of you figured out the second saint was Saint Blaise, who helps with voice, breathing and throat issues. He is far more popular in Europe than the States.
Not everyone figured out the third saint was Saint Mark, spelled Marc, in Venasque.
Most of you realized the 4th saint was Rocco, patron invoked against viruses and patron of dogs (“chien”) and chien lovers. We’ve never seen an angel nursing the wound on his leg before, so that was rather curious.
Then finally, NO ONE FIGURED OUT the very last saint was Saint Fiacre, patron of gardeners. We didn’t know who he was until we looked him up. Saint Fiacre is a patron for gardeners, but we do not have his medal yet. Maybe we will find it in Rome, where we will be in a few hours. We will have 3 days to find Saint Fiacre. Wish us luck, I think we will need it! The King told Fiacre he could have all of the land he set apart with that shovel he is holding. He wound up digging a “garden” bigger than Texas. Maybe that angel next to Saint Rocco gave him some assistance.
OK, since NO ONE WON the last contest, we are doubling the prize for this next contest. Whoever guesses who all of the saints are in this next set of photographs will win two prizes and we will try to actually send them to the winner from ROME and HOPEFULLY FROM THE VATICAN POST OFFICE. I can’t guarantee we will be able to do it, because I don’t know if the post office at the Vatican is open! Hopefully it is!
So, without further discussion, here’s the contest: Name all of these saints below who are featured in L’Isle sur la Sorque and we will send you a great prize, obviously imported, because we will package it and mail it from Rome if we can.