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It's hard to believe All Saints Day and All Souls Day have come and gone, and it is mid-November already and Christmas is just around the corner! We wanted to get a newsletter out on All Saints Day, but couldn't get it done in time.

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We received the coolest letter last week.  It was from an 11 year old boy named Nicholas!  His Mom, Marie, is active with the Troops of Saint George, and we noticed she had written a post about our Saint Richard of Chichester medal, our patron of "NASCAR" and invoked for safe racing!

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The Inernational day of Peace was September 20, 2013. Saint Barnabas the Apostle is often referred to as "the Peacemaker," so he is the perfect saint to ask for an intended peaceful and prayerful intercession.

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A few of you have regretfully asked us to hide the song on our homepage ( Paul Sanchez's excellent "All Are Welcome in Heaven") because at least 2 of y'all "got caught" going to the SaintsforSinners web site at work because the song blared out!" Sorry about that! We hid the song! You can buy it on

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While we were in Dubrovnik, Croatia, outside of Medjugorje mountain, our phone rang....  A man from Hollywood was calling to ask if we would allow his production company to use some of our new "Saint Francis of Assisi - inspired hand-painted bird houses" to be featured in an upcoming movie from MGM that was filming in New Orleans. 

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This is a short note to let you know we are going on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje and also the Basilica of saints Blaise and Luke and Mary Catherine Laboure.

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